Thursday, December 6, 2007

gimme a head with hair

So, my husband's long, beautiful hair is thinning a bit. His brother has already lost everything on the top of his head, so I know that Brian's genetically disposed toward losing it too.

So far, he's used a product that is supposed to help with the early stages of thinning. However, I think it's begun to not work as well as it once did. Now, when we got together, he had plenty of long, beautiful hair, and I think it's completely unfair of him to lose all that hair. He won't be as attractive. And men with less hair are probably not as healthy, right? Because they're older and stuff.

Well, I will not stand for it. No way. If he doesn't look like he did when we met, then that means he isn't trying hard enough, and therefore he doesn't love me. He'd better go and try Rogaine. If he doesn't, I might have to get my mom to hound him about it, and tell him that if he loved me, he'd try everything to keep his hair.

And what if Rogaine doesn't work? I think there are other options, like implants and transplants. Sure, they're probably painful, but if he cares about me, he will do everything in his power to retain the good looks he had when we met. Right?

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Rachel said...

Yes, alas, my husband too has just let himself go. He had at least a few frontal hairs when I met him, but even these have faded away and he absolutely refuses to use Rogaine. He better do something quick to turn me on because my eye is wandering.

Shannon said...

Maybe if you have a concerned friend or co-worker talk to him. Or his doctor. Maybe he just hasn't had enough people shame him into re-growing his hair yet ;-)

Rachel said...

Nah, I think I'll just smoke some marijuana to dull the pain and then file for divorce.

Vian said...

Look, don't try and shame your husband into healthy hair maintenance. He may just rebel, and get a buzzcut, or something. Instead, emphasise that you are concerned for the state of his health - it's more then just the lack of self esteem that less hirsute people suffer, which can lead to depression and the wearing of inappropriate hats. He's at very real risk of all sorts of dreadful diseases of the scalp - maybe even melanoma. We all know bald people can't possibly be sexy, but he might be unaware of the terrible danger to his health.

Fat Academic said...

But if he loses that hair he will take up less room on aeroplanes and public transport and his hair won't encroach on anyone else's personal space. He also won't need special sized hair bands designed to deal with that much hair. And he will be able to walk properly and won't be contributing to global warming...

Sarah said...


JeanC said...

Hehehehehehe! I love it :D